Explore Asset Classes

Each of our investment opportunities, from private equity to digital assets, is handpicked for its ability to generate strong returns and diversify portfolios that are typically concentrated in equities, bonds, and property.

Market Evaluation

Why Now?

Investing in Seeker Capital's alternative options offers potential for higher returns and better portfolio diversification. These assets often have lower correlation with public markets, helping reduce volatility and protect against market fluctuations. As a result, they can create a more balanced, stable portfolio over the long term.

Superior Performance with Diversification

Private equity consistently outperformed public markets, delivering an average annual return of 14.28% between 1986 and 2020, compared to 9.24% from the S&P. Unlike traditional investments, alternatives provide both higher returns and enhanced diversification. Their lower correlation with public markets reduces portfolio volatility and protects against market swings, making alternatives a superior option for long-term stability and growth.

Navigating Market Risks

Traditional equity and bond markets have become very efficient, limiting opportunities to generate alpha. In 2022, stocks fell 25% and Treasury bonds dropped 17%, illustrating the dangers of relying on conventional allocations. Alternatives, however, offer unique, uncorrelated return sources that are less exposed to these concentrated risks, providing a more robust shield against market downturns.

Inflation Protection

With inflation eroding the purchasing power of traditional assets, alternatives—especially real assets and infrastructure—stand out as effective hedges. Since real bond returns dropped 52% in the bond bear market that began in May 2020, relying on fixed income alone is no longer viable. Alternatives preserve value by providing assets that can keep pace with or outperform inflation, offering more stability and security than equities or bonds in inflationary environments.

Private Markets Capture Innovation & Disruption

Public markets typically offer limited upside by the time companies are listed, as much of the growth has already been realised. Alternatives provide access to innovation earlier, allowing investors to tap into sectors like fintech, biotech, and AI while they are still in high-growth stages. This early access maximises potential returns before these opportunities become diluted in public markets, where gains are smaller.

Managing Interest Rate and Macro Risks

The traditional 60/40 portfolio, once seen as an ‘all-weather’ strategy, is increasingly outdated in today’s era of increased volatility. Bonds, which once acted as a reliable hedge against equities, no longer provide the protection they used to. As we saw in recent years, bonds and equities can move in tandem during periods of market stress, undermining the core principle of diversification that the 60/40 model is built upon. With rising interest rates and economic uncertainty, alternatives help manage interest rate risk more effectively and provide greater protection than conventional bonds or equities, which are now more exposed to macroeconomic risks.


Increase over 20 years

Over the past decade, private investments have grown from $4 trillion to $22 trillion.


Fewer public companies today than 20 years ago

More growth is taking place in private markets. Investing in alternatives allows you to capture the economic activity driving the future.


Private equity backed companies increasing 5 fold

Growth will increasingly come from private markets, and not investing in them means missing out on significant economic growth.


Live Deals


Hedge Funds

As equity and bond markets experience turbulence, steady, consistent-return strategies with lower volatility will become more important in diversified portfolios. Hedge funds, particularly those employing niche or esoteric strategies, can provide a return premium that larger, more traditional categories of funds may not.


Venture Capital

We are entering a period of unprecedented innovation, with breakthroughs in areas like artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and space exploration. Venture capital is the key funding source for early-stage startups driving innovation and the new economy, suggesting that exposure to VC should be considered provided the right managers can be accessed, this is where we at Seeker step in.


Direct Deals

Direct deals offer the opportunity to invest in high-quality private companies, assets, or projects alongside top-tier managers. By bypassing traditional fund structures, you gain more control, reduced fees, and access to unique, high-return opportunities that are typically reserved for institutional investors.

Elevate your portfolio with Seeker

Take the first step towards diversifying your portfolio with Seeker Capital.